Community of Aliens

Das Nichtzugehörigkeitsgefühl des australischen Künstlers James Worse; die musikalische Auseinandersetzung mit einem Testgelände für Atombomben in Kasachstan; Mattin's politische Essays zu Alienation sowie die Außenseitermusik der baskischen Band Al Karpenter; Sounds für einen alien club; und ein Vorgeschmack auf das Donaufestival in Krems.

Rosary – Dawuna

Chagan – Galya Bisengalieva

Galivanting – Pö

Mariamba – Mariam Rezaei (ft. Lukas König)

Live at Odeon (excerpt) – EAERES

Pox Voculi (excerpt) – James Worse

nuthermuch nor partlisuch – James Worse

by thumbletween and loddeslowe – James Worse

For Your Love – Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante

Give Me The Blues (excerpt) – Mattin

Zu sagen was ist – David Wallraf + monad node

Wer aber vom Kapitalismus… – David Wallraf + monad node


Auszüge aus einem Interview von DJ Benno ohne Sorge mit James Worse

James Worse über seine Spoken Word Art:

[…]“ It was clear to me at the outset that the nature of the writing would require a different approach to that of a standard poetic recitation. Incidentally, the word poetry appals me – it signifies some superhuman guru status, or inference of enlightenment that I don’t believe exists. I think profundity can appear in any form – rubbish on the pavement can move my heart as much if not more than Lord Byron. I was dismayed at how serious spoken word performers unfortunately take themselves. It felt necessary to subvert the audience/poet agreement. I really don’t like how some words are seen as sacred, or deep or to be somehow worshipped like a holy text. Intuitively I had to destroy this self-important, self-aggrandizing scenario. I could not be complicit in such acts of egoistic pomposity. In my early performances I would sit on people, invade their spaces, shout at them, leave the building and all sorts of things in frustration at the infuriating performer as priest expectation. This was my ‘Method’ of addressing the public. Pomposity is something I cannot tolerate, so I deliberately delivered my texts in a ridiculously self-important, theatrical manner – unfortunately some people didn’t understand the irony. I haven’t performed publicly for years because I don’t think audiences understand what I’m doing – they think I’m simply being an insufferable show-off!“[…]

James Worse über sein Percussionspiel:

„Since childhood, I’ve repetitively drummed on surfaces – it is a huge sensory pleasure for me and i use my frame drum every day – it takes me out of the everyday world and sends me on a very soothing, pleasurable trip!“

James Worse über seine Routine:

“I have something of a daily routine, starting with typing up any writing I’ve done in my drawing books the day before – then I’ll edit my recorded sounds for a few hours, try to have a break, then record or mix stuff for a few more hours. I stop in the afternoon when my kids get home from school, do my domestic stuff, then I draw in the evening. When the weathers warmer I do my visual art stuff earlier in the day as I like to work outside, drawing on huge rolls of paper. I’ll probably spend ten hours a day on creative work, interspersed with cleaning, laundry and cooking!“

James Worse über seine visuellen Arbeiten:

„My visual work is also mostly sensory-driven. I love how charcoal or graphite feels as you push it across a surface, that friction feels as if I’m connecting to an electrical circuit. The marks are largely automatic and unplanned – one mark dictates the next and it is satisfying to try to balance awkward-looking shapes and to somehow resolve a drawing. Words and letters often appear in my drawings and I think my abstract lines themselves can be very glyph-like – I sense that they are the visualisation of my automatic language.”


Es lohnt sich auch ein wenig weiter bei und Google über James Worse zu recherchieren, weil er über seine Bandcampseite hinaus auch einige Kollaborationsarbeiten macht (u.a. mit Nurse with Wound, dem Augsburger Label Atemwerft…)

Zu Mattin:

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